
Capital Hill Apartments street address:
17-23 State Circle,
Forrest, ACT 2603



General information about living in Capital Hill Apartments can be found in the Apartment Manual. This manual provides owners and residents with important information about your apartment. It covers things you need to know to make caring for your apartment as easy as possible. It includes all the information to arrange for phone connection and to deal with emergencies, as well as handy phone numbers for local services. Even the colours of your paint and tile selections are included for future reference.
This manual also contains information on how to operate the various appliances installed in your apartment. Important information has been provided in the relevant sections on the use and care of these appliances.

The Rules for the Capital Hill Apartments were considered at the 2024 AGM. The ACT Default Rules were accepted as the current Rules for the Capital Hill Apartments, with the former Rules to be considered by the Executive Committee for an adoption decision at a future General Meeting. The ACT Default Rules are listed as Schedule 1 in the Unit Titles (Management) Regulation 2011, and can be viewed here in the legislation and in this Default Rules list. The enforcement process can be read here.


The Owners Corporation must comply with the Australian Privacy Principles (‘APPs’) under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cwth.).  Owners Corporations are bound by the APPs.  Our Privacy Policy, which details how we generally manage your personal information and safeguard your privacy, may be found here.

Work Health & Safety

In the case of a WHS incident. Hazard or Risk event, a copy of the WHS Incident Notification Form (Click here) should be sent to both the Managing Agent and the Owners Corporation. The Owners Corporation mailbox is located in the Building 23 mailboxes.


We strongly recommend that all owners and residents take out insurance against contents and public liability risks within their apartment.  Special insurance plans for apartment landlords and residents are in the market, and insurance companies or insurance brokers should be consulted.  These policies would supplement our Owners Corporation insurance (which is essentially for the common property) and, together, should provide comprehensive and reassuring cover.  Further information about insurance for Owners is to be found in the Owners Area (go to Owners Area on the sidebar and Log In).