
Capital Hill Apartments street address:
17-23 State Circle,
Forrest, ACT 2603


Power, Lighting in Storage Cage

March 3, 2015

Many residents have commented on the desirability of having their own electric power and/or lighting in their storage cages and a cunning plan has been devised to enable this.  Most people’s air-conditioning unit is in close proximity to their cage and the idea is to tap into their a/c power supply.  Importantly, the circuitry that’s been devised is both legal and safe.  An estimate is about $450 an installation for a double power-point. If that seems a bit pricey, it’s because of the necessity for a residual-current circuit breaker (RCCB). With a neon light, the estimate is about $500 all up. Where the a/c is distant from the cage, some further cost would obviously be entailed.)  Of course, tenants would have to have their landlords’ agreement.

If you’re interested, please talk to our electrician, Wayne Taylor.   Mobile  0418 633 7560418 633 756    Email