
Capital Hill Apartments
17 - 23 State Circle
PO Box 3512


Community Notice Board

We have restored this facility. Any resident can use it, for example, to
advertise something for sale or loan. You may have an unused car spot to
offer, or a set of encyclopaedias that need a new home, or are looking for
a pre-loved bar fridge. To avail yourselves of this free and convenient
service, simply contact David Campbell (205/19, 0414 942 705) and he will
arrange your notice with Technowand for your notice to be posted.

Witnessing your Signature.

Again, see David.  He’s a Commissioner for Declarations and can legally
witness your signature, saving you a trip to a chemist or lawyer.  No


Outside the Garbage Room of Building 19 is an old bookcase. Simply put your old stuff there and you could be surprised how quickly it disappears. (The stuff, that is, not the bookcase.)   If it’s still there after a reasonable time, dispose of it in your usual way.

Our Herb Garden

Our Capital Hill Apartments Garden Cub has re-established our herb garden behind Buildings 19 and 21.  Please help yourself – but don’t overdo it!

Also, please consider joining our Garden Club.  We do more than just grow herbs and would welcome your participation.  Speak to Deirdre, 111/19 State Circle.  0418 471 828

Light Rail to Woden Project Update December 2024

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